Some sketches..sometimes i like sketching things...because i like to sketch certain things.
actually just a couple of warm up thingies, its nice to just draw random shit to unwind or before i start owrking on homework and stuff...might take that character somewhere though!
and a portrait from toosday night last tooosday. This is my 4th one; the first 3 arent really worth showing. felt like i learned a lot more from this one anyhow; got another 3 hours to finish it next session
Ive just recently finished my 3rd week at the concept art atelier and its awwweeesome;but also very time consuming :) sketches from sketch crawl and my trip in manila sooon!
It's gonna get crazy these next few weeks. I'll be leaving Las Vegas in a week in a half and it wasn't til recently that I realised that it may not be my favorite place in the world but there are a lot of things I'll miss along with friends and family here. BUT, its time for a challenge and for working my ass off to get into school. Im pretty excited and scared about everything at the same time, which makes it more fun. Ill have a 16 hour flight to the Philippines,which at the moment is having a crazy typhoon and is flooding everywhere. Spend 3 weeks there with family and friends, catch up and have some fun. Then after that,its off to SF to find work.